@ericblankinjuryattorneys #1 Way to Ruin Your Personal Injury Claim! #1 #socialmedia #facebook #instagramstory #tiktok #betterwithblank #ericblankinjuryattorneys
What's the number one way to ruin your personal injury claim? Hi, it's Eric plank in Las Vegas personal injury attorney. The number one way to ruin your personal injury claim is, and this may seem hypocritical, but the use of social media, we just had a case this week where a client, she was claiming that she couldn't do any activity, she had significant neck pain, low back pain, getting an adjuster was able to show us pictures of her on a website, social media website, rock climbing, and even out dancing. Now, just because you've been injured in an accident, or a dog bite or slip and fall, doesn't mean your life has to go on complete hold, whoever if you're telling doctors and making complaints that you can't move at all, yet, there's other evidence of you being very active. It's not very, not very good, not very helpful. Now, some of you may have gotten requests from, you know, maybe an attractive woman are a good looking guy to your site, and you're thinking, hey, they might be interested in me, be careful. A lot of times user investigators adjusters using these fictional characters to get access to your social media accounts. You know, even if you have it on private if you let them in the information, song or private. Now that doesn't mean you have to shut down everything your social media, lead off the broadcast everything as well, you're putting a claim out there and anytime you present evidence, which is contradictory to it, you should assume that the insurance companies are out there looking for it, they're not looking to part with their money quickly. They're looking for any reason to deny you the compensation to which you're entitled. Now in our firm, we give our clients a sheet, warning them of the dangers of social media and how to stay off of it or not to use it in order to ruin any personal injury claim. If you have any questions about what might be acceptable behavior on social media, give us a call reach out to us but guys, please be careful your personal injury claims and stay safe.
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Personal Injury Law Firm Office in Las Vegas, NV
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